Navigating New Year Anxiety: A Holistic Approach – News18

Take the help of a mental health professional if needed.

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it’s crucial to approach it with a mindset that prioritizes personal well-being and genuine aspirations

As the New Year approaches, the air is filled with anticipation, but for many, it brings a sense of anxiety and pressure to make grand resolutions. Saurabh Bothra, CEO, Habuild, and Seema Rekha, Managing Director, Antarmanh Consulting, share valuable insights on combatting New Year anxiety and embracing a more mindful approach.

In the midst of New Year excitement, the pressure to make substantial changes can be overwhelming. The notion of a ‘fresh start’ might trigger reflection on unmet goals from the previous year, inducing a sense of melancholy. Bothra suggests liberating ourselves from the constraint of a January 1st deadline. Instead, he advocates for identifying what truly matters to us and gradually incorporating habits aligned with our aspirations.

“Forget the ‘new year, new me’ mantra,” says Bothra. “Real change isn’t bound by dates; it’s about the small, healthy choices we make daily.” Taking the example of aspiring to be fit and healthy, he recommends starting with manageable habits like a brisk morning walk or a brief daily workout, emphasizing that significant transformations arise from consistent, incremental improvements.

In the contemporary context, New Year’s Day has become more synonymous with anxiety than celebration, driven by a perceived competition for the most exciting celebration ideas, often fueled by the need for social media validation. Ms. Seema Rekha urges individuals to pause and prioritize their happiness and peace of mind above external expectations. She emphasizes the importance of personal freedom in choosing how to welcome the New Year, advocating against allowing festivities to become a source of anxiety or competition.

Rekha also addresses the tradition of New Year resolutions, deeming it an outdated concept. Instead, she encourages a shift towards mindful and meaningful planning throughout the year, irrespective of the specific day.

As we stand on the brink of a new year, it’s crucial to approach it with a mindset that prioritizes personal well-being and genuine aspirations. Bothra and Rekha remind us that the essence of positive change lies in the small, consistent choices we make daily. So, as the clock strikes midnight, let’s shed the weight of unrealistic expectations and embark on a journey of mindful growth, making each day an opportunity for positive transformation.

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