Meghan Markle planning on ‘walking out’ on Prince Harry within the next 18 months


A psychic has predicted the end of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s relationship, because she seems ‘prepared’ to divorce him in 18 months.

These revelations and admissions have been brought to light by self-professed psychic John Hughes.

He weighed in on everything during an interview with Express UK.

There, he said, “I’m gonna predict now and put on the line – [Meghan will leave Harry] within 18 months.”

“Spirits tell me that Meghan wanted that princess role. Every young girl does.”

“It’s not so much the spirts as the energy that’s around them that we read. It’s not like a telephone where we say ‘Hi Diane, can you do me a favour?’”

“It doesn’t work like that…it’s like playing, literally, charades. It’s an intuition, a feeling that something’s going to happen and it happens.”

When asked if the energy surrounding the couple felt ‘bad’, Mr Hughes admitted, “I believe so yes, I believe she’s emitted bad energy from the start.”

This admission has come after another medium predicted a two year deadline regarding their relationship.


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