Hair Loss To Lack Of Energy? Know Common Signs Of Vitamins and Minerals Deficiency – News18

Hair loss can be a sign of deficiency in biotin or vitamin B7.

Being aware of these indicators can help you adjust your diet accordingly and avoid adverse effects.

Our bodies often send us signals when we are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. These signals can vary depending on the specific nutrient and the severity of the deficiency. Being aware of these indicators can help us adjust our diet accordingly and avoid adverse effects. These symptoms include fatigue upon awakening, brittle hair and nails, mouth ulcers and low energy.

Read below some common signs and symptoms that can be caused due to the deficiency of particular vitamins and minerals, along with quick fixes to help the body recover.

Hair loss or brittle nails

These can be signs of deficiency in biotin or vitamin B7. It causes split hair and weak, brittle nails. This vitamin is essential for converting your food intake into energy. If you consume a B7-deficient diet regularly, it may cause muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, fatigue, and tingling sensations in your hands and feet. To avoid this, include meat, eggs, fish, spinach, nuts, broccoli, whole grains, and bananas in your diet.

Sleepless nights

Magnesium deficiency could result in insomnia and an irregular heartbeat. The mineral is necessary to calm our nervous system, which helps control sleep and relaxation. Include spinach in the diet every day as a side dish to balance the magnesium levels in the body.


If you are suffering from severe headaches, then your body might be signalling a decline in sodium levels. Sodium is important to keep the fluid balance of the body. To restore the mineral, pour some salt into a glass of water and take the drink. But watch how much salt you consume overall, as too much can cause other health problems.


Do you wake up feeling groggy even after getting a good night’s sleep? Then the body could be lacking zinc, a mineral that supports immune function and metabolism. Grab a piece of dark chocolate for yourself for a good source of zinc. Moreover, you can also consume meats, seafood, and nuts for zinc.

Fatigue & weakness

One possible reason for feeling weak and fatigued could be low iron levels. If you don’t get enough iron, you might feel exhausted and lethargic all day. Munch on raisins during snack time to increase the energy levels. Lean meats, green veggies, and beans are other options that you can include in your meals.

Mood Changes

There are times when we experience mood swings or depression. This is due to a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D regulates serotonin, the hormone that causes happiness. Hence, it is important to spend some time in the sunshine and help your body make enough vitamin D for healthy mental health.

Weak Bones

A deficiency in calcium can lead to bone-weakening osteoporosis and an increased risk of fractures in your hip, spine, and wrist. Reduce the risk of bone loss by eating plenty of calcium-rich foods, including milk, yogurt and cheese.

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