Being Single: “I had my chance with the institution of marriage but now I am done” – Times of India

Misha Puri, 35, was abandoned by her husband while she was pregnant. He left her for another woman. She battled the pain and resolved to live her life and raise the kids on her own. Choosing to be single, we asked her how life has been. Here is what this inspiring Paediatrician told us.
1. Does it annoy you when people ask why you are single?
Yes, but I am trying to get used to it.
2. Why do you think singlehood is questioned so much?
You will be asked questions about your personal life irrespective of being single, married, married with three kids etc. So singlehood being questioned is not a shocker.
3. What are some of the weirdest, funniest questions you have been asked about being single?
Not funny or weird, I was and still am asked disturbing questions by my very own relatives. One of them even had the cheek to ask me if I had tried witchcraft to get my husband back because otherwise, I will die alone!
4. Did past relationship experiences play a role in your choosing singlehood? What made you realise or decide that you no longer want a partner?
Yes, my husband of 9 years left me for a girl, 10 years younger. I was 7 months pregnant with our third child, my son. It was the most disturbing time of my life. He made me feel worthless and helpless and I was emotionally broken. We got married at 21 and when I was 30 with almost 3 babies, he just walked out. The new woman was just a college pass out. Of what I know, she too has left him. He tried to come back to us four but I closed all doors for him. I am a practicing Pediatrician, so I can take care of my kids on my own. I am blessed with amazing friends and supportive parents so kids have all of us. It has been 5 years now and I plan on being single and enjoy my life, doing things I had skipped on during 9 years of that marriage. People ask me to remarry but I am not desperate. I think I had my chance with that institution and I am done.
5. Any piece of advice for women and men out there who are contemplating singlehood…
You are always on your own. Make your own decisions, do not let anyone decide for you. When you die, you die alone, these “advisors” will be nowhere around your deathbed. So live life by your own rules. If singlehood is what you find appealing, go for it. If you suddenly decide to get married? Do it! Your life completely.
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