Quitting Smoking Can Be A Serious Challenge. Try These Ways to Quit

Quitting smoking is a serious matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun along the way. So, put on a funny movie, dance around your living room, or do whatever makes you happy.

Dr Niti Raizada, Senior Director – Medical Oncology and Hemato-Oncology, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road Bangalore discusses ways to quit smoking

Quitting smoking can be a daunting task as it requires a lot of willpower and commitment. Nicotine addiction can make it extremely difficult to quit smoking, but it is not impossible. There are several ways to quit smoking that have been proven to be effective, such as nicotine replacement therapy, medications, and behavioral therapy. Additionally, making lifestyle changes and seeking support from family and friends can also help in quitting smoking. It’s important to remember that quitting smoking is a process and may take multiple attempts before succeeding. With determination and the right support, anyone can overcome nicotine addiction and lead a healthier life.

  1. Take it one day at a time
    Quitting smoking is not easy, and trying to quit cold turkey can be overwhelming. Instead, take it one day at a time. Wake up each morning and tell yourself that you’re not going to smoke today and try hard to keep it that way. Then repeat that mantra the next day, and the next, until you’ve gone a week, a month, or longer without smoking.
  2. Find your motivation
    Why do you want to quit smoking? Is it for your health? To save money? To set a good example for your children? Whatever your reason, make it a part of your daily routine. Write it on a sticky note and put it on your bathroom mirror, or set a reminder on your phone. Keeping your motivation and this will help you stay focused on your goal.
  3. Identify your triggers
    Certain situations or activities may trigger your urge to smoke. It could be stress, boredom, or socializing with friends who smoke. Try to identify your triggers and come up with a plan to avoid them or cope with them. For example, if you usually smoke when you’re stressed, find a healthy way to relieve stress, such as exercise, deep breathing, or meditation (easier said than done, however make attempts towards this goal).
  4. Get support
    You don’t have to do this alone. Talk to your family and friends about your decision to quit smoking, and ask for their support. Join a support group or connect with others who are going through the same thing. You can also seek help from a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or counsellor. Often smoking cessation health professional may start you on medicines which can remove the desire to smoke and thus help Quit Smoking. Also they can help you when initially there are withdrawal symptoms and you may be restless by giving some replacement.
  5. Keep your hands busy
    Smoking is often a habit that involves your hands as well as your mouth. To help break the habit, keep your hands busy with other activities. Try squeezing a stress ball, knitting, or playing with a fidget toy or engaging in board games etc.
  6. Reward yourself
    Quitting smoking is a big accomplishment, so be sure to reward yourself along the way. Treat yourself to a massage, a new outfit, or a special meal. Just make sure your reward doesn’t involve smoking or anything that could trigger your urge to smoke.
  7. Don’t give up
    Quitting smoking is a journey, and there may be setbacks along the way. If you slip up and smoke a cigarette, don’t beat yourself up. Just remind yourself why you’re quitting and get back on track.
    And remember, quitting smoking is a serious matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun along the way. So, put on a funny movie, dance around your living room, or do whatever makes you happy. Laughter and positivity can be powerful tools in helping you quit smoking for good. Good luck!

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