Farah Khan hosted a Bigg Boss bash at her house on Monday night. While the BB16 contestants including winner MC Stan, Sajid Khan, Priyanka Chahar, Abdu Rozik, Shiv Thakare, Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia were the guests of honour, Farah’s party also saw her close friends from the industry Arbaaz Khan, Maheep Kapoor, Bhavana Pandey, Chunky Panday, Sania Mirza, Preeti Simoes, Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, among others. The filmmaker had been sharing glimpses from the bash on Instagram, but one such photo caught our attention. Farah shared a snap of her two “hearts” relishing their meal. We are talking about Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa. Dressed in their casual best, the power couple were seen sitting on the side stands with their plate of food. While Rajkummar was enjoying his roti with butter paneer, Patralekhaa was seen gobbling down a variety of vegetables.
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“My (double heart emojis)’s Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa. Most down to earth couple,” Farah Khan captioned the photo. She also added the title track of the film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, in the backdrop. Re-sharing the post, Rajkummar Rao wrote, “Love you ma’am” with a heart emoji. Take a look:
Patralekhaa also shared the filmmaker’s mention on her Instagram Stories. The actress’ message read: “Farah Khan… Thank you. Had a blast. Hahahaha we are zameen se juda hua.”
After going through the pictures, not many would disagree that a whole of paneer can never go wrong. If Rajkummar Rao’s luscious and creamy butter paneer indulgence has teased your tastebuds, you can try these desi paneer recipes at home. We have got a list that you cannot miss. Check it out here.
Don’t forget to pair it with some of your favourite flatbreads or paratha. Get the recipes now.
Meanwhile, rapper MC Stan was declared the winner of the popular reality TV show Bigg Boss season 16. He was presented with the trophy, prize money of over Rs. 31 lakh and a car. His friend Shiv Thakare became the first runner-up, while Priyanka Chahar secured the third spot. Politician-model Archana Gautam finished fourth while actor Shalin Bhanot stood in the fifth position.
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