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Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto, The Enigmatic Name Behind Bitcoin, That Is Buzzing Yet Again After UK Courtroom Trial

New Delhi: The nonprofit Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) has filed a lawsuit against Australian computer scientist Craig Wright who has long been stating that he is the creator of Bitcoin, the world’s first and largest cryptocurrency. A trial that started in a UK courtroom on Monday will settle the issue in the end.

Copa wants the judge to formally declare Wright to be not Nakamoto. Since asserting his identity as Nakamoto for the first time in 2016, Wright has intimidated Bitcoin developers. “COPA has brought this claim to bring a stop to this conduct,” COPA lawyer Jonathan Hough has said.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto, the person behind Bitcoin?

There has always been a mystery surrounding the founder of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The identity of the person Satoshi Nakamoto who has used the pseudonym for developing Bitcoin has always been a mystery for all. Nakamoto mined the first blockchain of Bitcoin and had published the whitepaper for the digital currency. He had envisioned Bitcoin to be a universally accepted transaction token to stave off inflation. 

Nakamoto made the first ever online message board post dedicated to cryptocurrency in February 2009. In the post, Nakamoto stated, “I’ve developed a new open source P2P e-cash system called Bitcoin. It’s completely decentralized, with no central server or trusted parties, because everything is based on crypto proof instead of trust. Give it a try, or take a look at the screenshots and design paper.”

In 2011, Satoshi said goodbye to the cryptocurrency world and hinted at doing other things in a statement that was made public under pseudonym. 

Several theories have been floating regarding the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

Nakamoto had once declared, “I am not Dorian Nakamoto”, responding to a conjecture around a Japanese-American physicist. 

To Elon Musk, the CEO of groups like Tesla, and SpaceX, Nakamoto is Nick Szabo. “He claims not to be Nakamoto, but I’m not sure that’s neither here nor there,” Musk had said.

Some people also thought that Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was the man behind the pseudo name Nakamoto.

Despite numerous claims to be Satoshi Nakamoto, like those made by Debo Guidos, Jörg Moult, and Bilal Khalid, nobody has been able to prove the possession of the private keys to any of Nakamoto’s blockchain addresses.

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